Better Control For Controlled Substances
A Provider Lens:
How DispenSecur™ Can Help Your Patients Tackle OUD
The Advantages of Using DispenSecur™
The DispenSecur™ device limits patient access to one dose of medication at a time and gives providers confidence medication is dispensed at home in a secured and controlled way.
Clinic capacity is limited by hours of operations, physical space and available staff. Using DispenSecur™ may improve volume of individuals served at comparable cost to operations.
By facilitating take-home doses of medication, DispenSecur™ may help tackle the logistical barriers that limit the ability of individuals to remain in treatment and improve overall program retention rates.
Using DispenSecur™ to help individuals access treatment may open new avenues to funding outreach programs to support affected individuals from rural geographies, marginalized populations, and stigmatized circumstances.
The Solution
DispenSecur™ is a specialized lockbox to support OTP providers offering take-home doses of methadone for more individuals with OUD.
Two Component System
• Secure Bottle Dispensing Unit for Patients
• Secure Cloud-Based Interface for Providers
Participating Providers Login
For More Info & Access
DispenSecur™ is a Class I Medical Device listed with the Food and Drug Administration for distribution in the United States and is intended for medical purposes to provide alerts and controlled patient access to medication based on dosing schedules predetermined by a healthcare provider. The device may be used with either liquid or solid dosage forms of one medication type. The device is not intended to manage multiple medications.