Better Control For Controlled Substances
Verinetics is Enabling
New Roads to Substance Use Disorder Recovery and Prevention
Verinetics has a capital-efficient product development strategy built upon a patented technology platform.
We continue to seek impact-minded investors and strategic collaboration partners interested in facilitating a paradigm shift in the packaging, distribution, and control of high-risk prescription medications.
More than 10.2 million people aged 12 and older misuse stimulants, including prescription medicines.
The DispenSecur™ Platform Offers Differential Over Current State and Alternative Approaches
Standard of care for take home methadone is a traditional lock box.
DispenSecur™ offers greater medication security and supports personal accountability.
Alternative and competitive new technologies are focused on observing medication administration via telehealth-like applications.
DispenSecur™ offers similar medication monitoring while maintaining individual privacy.
Status quo in the delivery of controlled substances is not serving the effort to diminish the opioid crisis or prevent similar challenges with other substances with risks of misuse, abuse and diversion.
DispenSecur™ technology platform provides a framework to make a difference for the future in our communities.